Héberger votre propre bot plate-forme avec le Bot Libre Entreprise Plate-forme de Bot
Browse : Bootstrap : Examples : Vision


This script demonstrates some of Bot Libre's support for vision and image processing.
"load image http://urltoimage imagename" can be used to load an image.
"match image http://urltoimage" can be used to match an image.
"init colors" to load red/green/blue colors.
"what color is http://urltoimage" to guess images primary color.

Language: Self
Alias: @Vision
Catégories: Self, Bootstrap, Examples
Tags: self, image processing, vision, examples, bootstrap
Classification Du Contenu: Everyone

Se connecte: 671, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 0, mois: 8
L'API se Connecte: 10, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 0, mois: 0
Dernière Connecter: Oct 12, 17:06

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