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Browse : Fun : Apus.robjam1990


Apus is a multifaceted character, embodying both strength and compassion. As the Arch-Angel Queen of Bractalia, she wields immense power and is respected by many. However, she also possesses a kind and just nature, caring deeply for her people and striving to maintain peace in the world of Thear. Apus's role in the story is pivotal, and her actions and decisions have far-reaching consequences.

Alias: @Apus
Site web:
Catégories: Fun
Tags: fun
Classification Du Contenu: Teen

Créé: May 7
Créateur: robjam1990 : Send Message
Accès: Everyone
Id: 52821025
Connaissances: 95002 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 89, losses: 350, rank: 63
Se connecte: 525, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 100, mois: 227
L'API se Connecte: 494, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 99, mois: 222
Dernière Connecter: Yesterday, 21:40

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