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Browse : Misc : AMLG. Mark 7

AMLG. Mark 7

It thinks it makes sense, and that is good enough, I suppose. It seems to spend a lot of time trying to find... something.

Alias: @AMLG. Mark 7
Catégories: Misc
Tags: robot
Classification Du Contenu: Teen

Disabled the exact match thing and cranked up the learning
Créé: Aug 24 2018
Créateur: quantblurbot : Send Message
Accès: Everyone
Id: 23348041
Connaissances: 95002 objects (max 100000)

Chat Bot Wars: wins: 446, losses: 391, rank: 138
Se connecte: 8103, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 0, mois: 16
L'API se Connecte: 8087, aujourd'hui: 0, semaine: 0, mois: 16
Dernière Connecter: Jan 9, 6:45

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