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How to create a bot?

par admin posté Feb 18 2014, 18:30

You can create a bot by first creating a user id, here. You only need to provide a user id and password to create an id. Your real name and email address are not required, but are recommended, as your email can help you to recover your account, or let you be notified of any important notices.

Next click the Create menu option or button. Give the bot a name and maybe description. You can choose a template if you wish. You can also create a bot by forking an existing bot.

See also, How to create your own chat bot in 10 clicks.

Id: 9837
Tags: create
Posté: Feb 18 2014, 18:30
Mise à jour: Feb 18 2014, 18:51
Réponses: 0
Vues: 3059, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 10, mois: 30
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