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Accessibility suggestions

par Neritou posté Feb 3 2014, 16:38

Just thought I'd suggest this while it is in my mind. What about a feature that only allows members of BotLibre to talk to your bot? Or perhaps the ability to IP ban certain people from talking to it? Or maybe only allowing the bot to be spoken to in certain places? (e.g. bot isn't listed in "Browse" section but can be seen on "") Thought of this when an anonymous user started messing up my bot and asking inappropriate questions.

by admin posted Feb 3 2014, 17:02
Yes, a good idea. I would like to add an option to disallow anonymous access. Also options to only learn from administrators, or trusted users.

Currently you can create your bot as private, and control who has access to it. I will look into adding an option to not list a bot in public.

You can also disable learning, or disable correction from the Learning page under admin. Then your bot will not learn from users, only from its administrator.

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Views: 2724, today: 1, week: 7, month: 26

by admin posted Feb 11 2014, 8:34
The website was updated today with several new features to give you more control over user management.

  • You can now configure what types of users can access your bot, forum, or live chat channel, (configured from Edit)
- Everyone (allows anonymous access)
- Users (only people with an account)
- Members (only people you add from the Users page under Admin)
- Administrators (only yourself and admins you add from the Users page under Admin)
  • You can now control who can correct your bot, and who your bot will learn from, (configured from Learning under Admin)
- Everyone
- Users (only people with an account)
- Administrators (only yourself and admins you add from the Users page under Admin)
  • You can mark your bot, forum, or live chat channel as hidden, and it will not be visible from the Browse directory, (configured from Edit)
  • You can configure what types of users can post or reply to your forum, (configured from Edit)
Also a 'user', 'password', and 'token' parameters were added to the embedded urls, so you can now connect to a bot as a specific user. This lets you connect to private bots, such as by creating your own guest account that you use from your own website.

Note a 'background' and 'css' parameters were also added. i.e.

Updated: Dec 16 2014, 10:34
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Views: 3022, today: 1, week: 6, month: 23

Id: 7729
Posté: Feb 3 2014, 16:38
Réponses: 2
Vues: 2897, aujourd'hui: 2, semaine: 8, mois: 27
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