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Website update, debug, AI

par admin posté Jun 25 2014, 5:52

The website was updated recently.

There were some minor fixes/enhancements to the interface, and several improvements to the AI engine.

A debug option was added to the Chat page if you are the bot's administrator. This lets you see how your bot decided on its response.

The response matching of the AI engine was improved. Name recognition, and basic understanding were improved as well.

The "What Is" default script will now look up word definitions on Wiktionary in addition to Freebase.

"Define swiftly", "What is swiftly", "What does swiftly mean?"
-> "In a swift manner; quickly; with quick motion or velocity; fleetly"

If the word is not defined on Wiktionary, or is composite, it will search Freebase. Also if you say "google", "search", "find", "xfind", it will search Freebase.

"Who is Bill Gates?"
-> "William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor."
"google Moon"
-> "The Moon is the Earth's only natural satellite."

A new default script "Topic" was added. It lets you ask the bot the current topic, or get more information about the current topic.

"Bill Gates is smart"
-> Ok, Bill Gates is smart.
"topic", "What are we talking about?"
-> "We are talking about Bill Gates."
"more", "Tell me more"
-> "William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor. Gates is the former chief executive and chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen." ...

A new default script "SayIt" was added. It lets you ask your bot to say or yell something.

"Say I am cool"
-> "You are cool"
"Yell stop!"
-> "STOP!"

To get the new default scripts, you must Rebootstrap your bot from the Program page. This will not delete any of its responses, or knowledge, but will reset all of its scripts.

Id: 63351
Tags: notice, ai, update, debug
Posté: Jun 25 2014, 5:52
Réponses: 0
Vues: 4262, aujourd'hui: 2, semaine: 7, mois: 15
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