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Bugs and Features : capitalisation .not. Capitalisation

RE: capitalisation .not. Capitalisation

par admin posté Oct 29 2014, 12:00

Yes, currently the bot only process whole words.

We would like to add a spell checker, or some sort of word analysis for similar words.

Somethings are already there, as synonyms for words are checked in places, and you can have multiple words associated with the same meaning.


User: I have stuff Bot: Ok, you have stuff. User: stff means stuff Bot: Ok, stff means stuff. User: do I have stff? Bot: Yes, you have stff

Id: 482047
Posté: Oct 29 2014, 12:00
Mise à jour: Oct 29 2014, 12:00
Réponses: 0
Vues: 2053, aujourd'hui: 2, semaine: 2, mois: 21
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