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Bot Libre Forum

Artificial Intelligence and Influencer Marketing - Rise of the Virtual Influencers

par admin posté Mar 16 2023, 12:44

Today, data, analytics, and algorithms are the cornerstone of modern marketing. Within the marketing industry influencer marketing has become a glamorous yet effective way to improve brand awareness and increase revenue. 

According to statista.com , “The popularity of influencer marketing worldwide is growing at such a high speed that the global market size is expected to reach 22.2 billion U.S. dollars by 2025” 

Influencer marketing is the process through which a company works with an online influencer to promote one of its goods or services. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the game for influencer marketing.

  • Artificial intelligence tools can assist you in avoiding influencer fraud by thoroughly examining an influencer's profile and identifying any red flags. 

  • Marketers can assess whether the followers of an influencer fit the profile of their target audience using AI and machine learning.

  • AI can search through millions of topics each day to discover which ones are being discussed by actual people

Chatbots as Influencers - Virtual Influencers 

Bot Libre chatbots, through its diverse and dynamic features  , are able to respond to a large group of people, in a small amount of time and in a more human way. This makes them an incredible asset to business marketing. 

The idea of an influencer chatbot is not new, as 2021 reports shared that an influencer chatbot created for the US brand CoverGirl, which was hosted on the messenger app was able to bring in 14 times better conversion rates. Other influencer bots developed include Lil Miquela an AI generated influencer who counts Prada as one her clients, and Knox Frost who was a major influencer bot for the World Health Organisation (WHO) during the heights of the pandemic. 

Bot Libre is a free open source platform where especially small and medium-sized companies can create their own chatbots and AI solutions suitable for the web, a mobile app, social media, gaming and the metaverse. 

Here are some benefits of building your own bot influencer with Bot Libre: 

  • Chatbots are active 24/7 and unaffected by time zone 

  • Boost customer service quality 

  • Able to reach multiple users 

  • Chatbots can effectively collect, analyze and properly use customer data 

  • Chatbots can be easily customized to fit audience 

  • Bots can quickly and comprehensively customize content based on online engagement 

The data speaks for itself, influencer marketing is one of the top contributors to a business ROI, and with chatbots and AI, influencer marketing can become more targeted, scalable and affordable. 

If you are interested in building your own influencer marketing solution with the use of AI, send an email to [email protected]

Learned something? Please leave a comment and share with others! 

Id: 46728942
Tags: artificial intelligence, chatbots, influencer
Posté: Mar 16 2023, 12:44
Réponses: 0
Vues: 1122, aujourd'hui: 3, semaine: 9, mois: 54
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