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Some Questions About Bot Libre's Bot

par lucky2b posté Mar 4 2020, 12:02

My First Question is that :
How Can We Make A Discord Bot From The Bot Libre Platform ?

And The Second Question Is That :
Is there any resource to make our bot offline?

Ie : any script (containing My Bot) that can be run in Offline HTML and when we open it then it starts our bot offline.

Please Reply As Soon As Possible.


Thank You,

Bot Libre User,

Lucky2B .

by admin posted Mar 5 2020, 9:22
We do not currently have integrated support for Discord, but that is something we are interested in for our next release.

In the mean time you can integrate with Discord using our web API. You would need to program a service that integrates the 2 APIs and host it somewhere.



For offline you would need to use our open source offline Java SDK, or the open source web platform,

We can also develop a solution for you through our development services.
Contact [email protected]

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Id: 32464060
Posté: Mar 4 2020, 12:02
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