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share the same database

par bobred posté Jan 27 2020, 14:35

is there a way for more than one user to share a database for their chatbots?

I would like to pool knowledge from other peoples chatbots?


by admin posted Jan 28 2020, 8:12

You can add another user as an administrator of your bot to share access.

You can also forward questions from one bot to another using the request() function in Self, or the <sraix> tag in AIML.

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Views: 2771, today: 1, week: 9, month: 13

by bobred posted Jan 28 2020, 22:58

i thought I should not forward questions from one or multiple chatbots to another one that much.

what if I constantly asked questions from 15 chatbots from one chatbot?

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Views: 2687, today: 1, week: 8, month: 11

by admin posted Jan 29 2020, 8:14
I would not recommend forwarding messages to 15 chatbots in one response, it would most likely timeout.

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Views: 2799, today: 2, week: 9, month: 12

by bobred posted Jan 29 2020, 18:58

i meant asking sequentially of the 15 chatbots.

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Views: 2700, today: 1, week: 7, month: 10

Id: 31701202
Tags: programming
Posté: Jan 27 2020, 14:35
Réponses: 4
Vues: 3013, aujourd'hui: 2, semaine: 10, mois: 14
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