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FAQ : What are emotions, actions, and poses, and how do avatars work?

RE: What are emotions, actions, and poses, and how do avatars work?

par admin posté Dec 14 2019, 8:41

To design you own avatar you need to upload video, image, or audio content in the avatar editor.
For a video avatar you need one default video that is not tagged with anything, and one talking video that is only tagged as talking.
For any emotion, action, or pose, you need to upload and tag a video with just that emotion/action/pose.


If you upgrade to Platinum we can design your avatar for you,

Id: 30801706
Posté: Dec 14 2019, 8:41
Mise à jour: Dec 14 2019, 8:42
Réponses: 0
Vues: 4812, aujourd'hui: 2, semaine: 5, mois: 12
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