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Help : Offline Bots

RE: Offline Bots

par hanswurst posté May 19 2019, 9:43

Thank you very much, i noticed, that my Password was a line of c++ Code. That caused the Problem. :D i changed it, and then it worked...

But I still have the Problem that I can't use an own Bot Offline. there are only the six pre-existing Bots of the Offline Apllication and you can't add your own. Is there A way to have your own Bot offline?

Id: 26976654
Posté: May 19 2019, 9:43
Mise à jour: May 20 2019, 7:44
Réponses: 0
Vues: 2086, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 5, mois: 7
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