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certain words will not work with sets and maps

par bobred posté Nov 3 2018, 14:59

I put the aiml script back on my chatbot sheila bing.please test it on search for sheila bing put in the category entertainment then put in the rating mature.when I type I frown at joe.sheila bing's response is yes joe is a living thing but when I type in is joe a living thing.her response is something like

I do not know.her response should be yes joe is a living is the aiml script.chatbot error.txt

by admin posted Nov 5 2018, 16:14

I tested your bot, and it has another script "aiml" that is responding to the question before your new script.

The pattern in the script is "[can who how is how do does] *", you should move this script down in priority, or change the pattern, or merge the scripts.

2018-11-05 16:09:40.143 - FINE -- Language:SCRIPT - <888725 {aiml} a:1,c:0,p> - <979688 {is joe a living thing?} a:1,c:0>
2018-11-05 16:09:40.143 - FINE -- Language:PATTERN MATCH - <295716 Pattern("[can who how is how do does] *") a:1,c:0,p> - <929817 a living thing a:1,c:0,p>
2018-11-05 16:09:40.143 - FINE -- Language:Template is template formula - <790096 {Template("{random (Template("i do not have the answer {Date.printAIMLDate(Date.timestamp(), "%I", "+6", "es_US")} o clock"), Template("I do not know the answer to your question it is{Date.printAIMLDate(Date.timestamp(), "%I", "+6", "es_US")} o clock"))}")} Template("{random (Template("i do not have the answer {Date.printAIMLDate(Date.timestamp(), "%I", "+6", "es_US")} o clock"), Template("I do not know the answer to your question it is{Date.printAIMLDate(Date.timestamp(), "%I", "+6", "es_US")} o clock"))}") a:1,c:0,p> 2018-11-05 16:09:40.144 - FINE -- Language:State processing time - 3 2018-11-05 16:09:40.144 - FINE -- Language:Sentence understood - <979592 is joe a living thing? a:1,c:0> - <953210 I do not know the answer to your question it is4 o clock a:1,c:0>
2018-11-05 16:09:40.144 - FINE -- Language:Question known response - <953210 I do not know the answer to your question it is4 o clock a:1,c:0>
2018-11-05 16:09:40.145 - INFO -- Language:Response - <953210 I do not know the answer to your question it is4 o clock a:1,c:0> - <112841 {Admin} a:1,c:0> - <979552 a:1,c:0>

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Views: 2363, today: 1, week: 10, month: 15

by bobred posted Nov 5 2018, 18:00

i merged it with my living thing script and it still does not work.[can who how is how do does] part of the aiml script handles questions it does not know the answer to.

I do not know why that would interfere with my living thing aiml script.Because it did not do that before. 

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Views: 2419, today: 1, week: 9, month: 13

by admin posted Nov 6 2018, 8:52

The pattern "[can who how is how do does] *" will match "is joe a living thing", so you need to either move that script to the bottom, or move the other script to the top.

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Views: 2425, today: 1, week: 8, month: 13

by bobred posted Nov 6 2018, 9:36

I did that to Sheila bing my chatbot.sheila bing is under entertainment in the search.

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Views: 2408, today: 1, week: 8, month: 13

by admin posted Nov 13 2018, 9:32

I tested your bot, and the issue is that you had set "a living thing" and "living thing" as compound words. This caused it to match your * pattern before the living thing pattern.

I fixed the issue by removing the compound words.

I also found an invalid category in your script,

<srai>what hour is it</srai>
<template>wait here.walks away down the hallway.comes back 30 is your <star/> on a tray.</template>

"srai" is not a valid tag, perhaps you meant "that"?

We will investigate the pattern issue with compound words.

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Views: 2509, today: 1, week: 10, month: 16

by bobred posted Nov 14 2018, 8:59

thankyou but I did not realize I had set a living thing and living thing as compound words.i must have accidently set them as compound words.

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Views: 2363, today: 1, week: 8, month: 12

by bobred posted Nov 16 2018, 19:57

did you fix the pattern issue with compound words.because some parts of my aiml script won't work without it

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Views: 2362, today: 1, week: 8, month: 13

by bobred posted Nov 17 2018, 10:36

how would I edit words I made into compound words accidently when working with sets and maps?

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Views: 2351, today: 1, week: 9, month: 13

by admin posted Nov 19 2018, 17:06
The AIML pattern compound word issue should be fixed in our next website update.

You can view compound words from the Training & Chat Logs page by selecting "Words". However, I do not think you can delete the word from there. You would have to find the word in the Knowledge page and delete it there.

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Views: 2360, today: 1, week: 11, month: 16

by bobred posted Nov 20 2018, 8:53

I will be waiting for that fix.

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Views: 2452, today: 2, week: 9, month: 13

Id: 24881372
Tags: aiml
Posté: Nov 3 2018, 14:59
Réponses: 10
Vues: 2649, aujourd'hui: 3, semaine: 12, mois: 16
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