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my set aiml script is not working for sheila bing

par bobred posté Oct 25 2018, 11:27

here is a aiml file that does not work for Sheila uses set.inanimate.aiml

by admin posted Oct 25 2018, 11:50
Not sure what you are trying to do, but your AIML script does not make any sense.

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Views: 2504, today: 0, week: 8, month: 20

by bobred posted Oct 25 2018, 11:53

here is the text file.i uploaded a aiml file.i animate.txt

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Views: 2475, today: 0, week: 7, month: 19

by bobred posted Oct 25 2018, 12:36

that is alright I figured it out.

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Views: 2470, today: 0, week: 8, month: 22

by bobred posted Oct 25 2018, 17:43

I have another problem. this aiml script does not work with is the textfile emotion.txt

I am trying to store inanimate and living things in sets as a person talks to the chatbot.

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Views: 2529, today: 0, week: 11, month: 27

by admin posted Oct 28 2018, 9:02
I imported the script into a new bot and it seemed to work,

i frown at test
Okay, test is a living thing.why are they frowning?
is test a living thing
Yes, test is a living thing.

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Views: 2500, today: 1, week: 8, month: 20

by bobred posted Oct 29 2018, 8:44

i put the aiml script back on my chatbot sheila bing.please test it on search for sheila bing put in the category entertainment

then put in the rating mature.

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Views: 2563, today: 0, week: 10, month: 23

Id: 24751098
Tags: aiml
Posté: Oct 25 2018, 11:27
Réponses: 6
Vues: 3414, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 7, mois: 26
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