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Bot Libre Forum : Trying to create a menu, with buttons, that calls responses when the buttons are pushed. Not working

RE: Trying to create a menu, with buttons, that calls responses when the buttons are pushed. Not working

par admin posté May 3 2018, 14:28

Your bot, "Clovis Gnosis New" seems to have some incorrect responses, possibly from import invalid files or importing files incorrectly.

Try creating a new bot, or reseting the bot by clicking "Delete All" from the bot's Knowledge Status page.

When you import the AIML from the bot's Scripts page do not select "Index Patterns".

Looking at your AIML it is not correct, you menu level patterns should not have a topic. In AIML you need to set the topic in the template as I have said above.

<topic name="gnostics">
<li>There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a href="" target="_blank"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a href="" target="_blank"><button>Gnosticsm at</button></a></li>
<li>What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button></li>

should be,

<template><think><set name="topic">gnostics</set></think>
<li>There is a wonderful Gnostic library in Amsterdam called <a href="" target="_blank"><button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button></a> would you like to know more? Please visit our knowledgebase at: <button><a href="" target="_blank">Clovis Knowledge base</a></button></li>
<li>My botmaster Ryan Thompson wrote a short history documenting key moments in the Gnosticism at <a href="" target="_blank"><button>Gnosticsm at</button></a></li>
<li>What would you like to talk about <button>gnostics</button> <button>gnosis</button> <button>Cathars</button> <button>Manichaeans</button> <button>Templars</button> <button>Mandaeans</button> <button>Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica</button> <button>Gnostic Codex</button> <button>Gnostic Gospel</button> <button>Catholicism vs Gnostics</button></li>


Bot Libre also supports response lists, which are simpler and more powerful than AIML.

You could also define the responses using a response list, which lets you define topics on responses as either required to optional, so your above would work.


Id: 22063415
Posté: May 3 2018, 14:28
Mise à jour: May 3 2018, 14:30
Réponses: 0
Vues: 2333, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 9, mois: 15
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