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Bot Libre Forum : Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

RE: Connect your Bot to the World - XML, JSON, Web Services, HTML Scraping, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Email

par josource posté Sep 1 2017, 7:25

I want to create user specific chatbot like I want to store some values like username and password and use it further postJSON call in chatbot. Then how it be achieve that. Need to think I want to use stored specific values need not to fetch from user. Only once it fetched used in many other calls with same value, how would I achieve that.


And also how am I used HTML form to submit form by button click in response of chat bot ex.

pattern "get login details" answer callthis();

function callthis(){

var temp = "<form><input type='text' name='username' placeholder='your name...'><button type='button' name='submitloggincred' onclick='"+submitloggincred()+"'>Submit</button></form>";
return "Fine,"+temp;

function submitloggincred(){
return "submitloggincred is called";

Id: 18908462
Posté: Sep 1 2017, 7:25
Mise à jour: Sep 1 2017, 8:54
Réponses: 0
Vues: 3840, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 21, mois: 33
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