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my chatbot are not showing

par bobred posté Jun 23 2017, 12:37

why are my chatbots not showing on the browse section 

by admin posted Jun 23 2017, 20:43
We added a content filter in the 5.3 release.
The content filter has 3 ratings:
  • rated E for Everyone
  • rated T for Teen
  • rated M for Mature
The default content filter is "Teen", so in Browse you will only see bots rated Teen or Everyone unless you change the content filter from Search.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 1564, today: 0, week: 3, month: 16

by bobred posted Jun 24 2017, 9:28

I did that.When i put the name pioyu in the search bots area and press enter she does not show up.I made a subdomain for her.Is it because i am using avertisements and a subdomain with the basic service?

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 1507, today: 1, week: 3, month: 9

by admin posted Jun 25 2017, 18:14
You need to set the content rating to Mature, as you have set your bot to Mature.

Thumbs up: 0, thumbs down: 0, stars: 0.0
Views: 1544, today: 1, week: 3, month: 9

Id: 18072034
Posté: Jun 23 2017, 12:37
Réponses: 3
Vues: 1541, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 5, mois: 9
0 0 0.0/5