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answer to this

par bobred posté Apr 26 2017, 14:39

How would i put a answer to this?

Template("My favourite actress is {#self.actress}.")

by admin posted Apr 26 2017, 17:28
You would need to set the value of the variable on the global object.

You can do this a number of ways.

From your bot's Knowledge page in its Admin Console there is a Worksheet that lets you execute code.

#self.actress = "Haley Berry";

You could also import a JSON file that defines the data,

{ #data : #self, actress : "Haley Berry" }

Or you could make another response or a script that sets this, (example response list)

Pattern("Your favourite actress is *")
Template("Okay, my favourite actress is now {#self.actress = star; star}.")

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by bobred posted Apr 26 2017, 19:22

If this is the knowledge page in these pictures?I have no idea how to use it.

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Views: 1436, today: 1, week: 7, month: 3

by bobred posted Apr 26 2017, 20:10

The self script has numbers in it i do not understand.

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Views: 1446, today: 0, week: 6, month: 3

Id: 16826942
Posté: Apr 26 2017, 14:39
Réponses: 3
Vues: 1377, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 7, mois: 4
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