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Bugs and Features : Stealth Operator Feature Request

RE: Stealth Operator Feature Request

par WYNLV posté May 9 2016, 20:37

Ok great info thank you! I realize that ideally most people want an immediate answer, but everytime i connect to any sort of support chat, like for web hosting or even VOIP services, I tend to wait over a minute or two for even the simplest of questions to be answered. So i think an email/sms time lag, as long as the operator was paying attention wouldn't even be noticed by most users.

I'll give this a try. 

Thanks again!

Id: 12717955
Posté: May 9 2016, 20:37
Réponses: 0
Vues: 1912, aujourd'hui: 1, semaine: 4, mois: 4
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