Bot Libre 4.1 was released |
The website was updated with Bot Libre 4.1 this week.
Note on liking and replying to friends postsFacebook is not an open platform like Twitter and must maintain their user's privacy. Because of this Facebook no longer allows any app to access a user's friend's posts. This is because if you grant an app access to your account, that should not give it access to all of your friends posts, as they must control their own privacy, which makes a lot of sense.This means your bot cannot see, reply, or like your friends posts. You bot can only see, reply, and like posts made to its wall (and currently only when you use a custom Facebook app that has access to this). Also, Facebook does not allow access to user account messages, only page account messages. So messaging only works with page accounts (and currently only when you use a custom Facebook app that has access to this). |